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Druid Four Winds
a Pagan rock opera
comedy cover tragedy
I'll Kill You
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SONA also performs a version of this song which is included
as a bonus track on both the opera and their Spoonwalk CD

See the previous song in the rock opera previous song See the next song in the rock opera next song
See all Loke E. Coyote's disks Complete Loke E. Coyote catalog

I'll Kill You

The Story
Flower is enraged by Stag's refusal to pay for her to have an abortion. She becomes vindictive and threatens to kill him. Her invocation of the various spirit animals is bone chilling and her maniacal laugh at the end is a stark contrast to her playful giggle in Pan and Aphrodite. The subject of this song is dark, but the powerful instrumentation which includes some barrelhouse style keyboards and screaming harmonica, gives it an upbeat feel which borders on madness.

Trickster: guitars, keyboards, harmonica, congas
Dana Davis: vocals
Joe Credit: guitars
Tabber Millard: drums
all lyrics and music by Trickster


tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye
you won't help me kill it, so I guess you’ll have to die
when Coyote tricks Crow, it's a big mistake
for Crow is very good friends with Snake

how dare you deny me?
how dare you defy me?
how dare you betray me?
how dare you spare the baby?

I'll kill you, I tell you loud and clear
I'll kill you, til then you'll live in fear
I'll kill you, you had better run
I'll kill you, cause you won’t help me kill our son

how dare you deny me?
how dare you defy me?
how dare you betray me?
how dare you spare the baby?

I was counting on you to finance this abortion
now I'm getting screwed, a victim of your extortion
one way or another, you’ll pay your rightful portion
my rage twists into, it's deadliest contortion

I'll kill you, I tell you loud and clear
I'll kill you, til then you'll live in fear
I'll kill you, you had better run
I'll kill you, hmmm...but I might spare your son
ha ha ha ha ha ha......
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